Hieroglyph-Braille Dictionary

This corner here is a dictionary to show you the correspondence between the Egyptian hieroglyphs and the braille. Note that the braille data shown here are not the official ones since this corner is a part of "Tentative Proposal for Brailling the Egyptian Hieroglyphs."
This corner arranges the glyphs according to "Gardiner's sign list" and Unicode. Note that the names and the usages of the glyphs and the braille data are not exact nor perfect. They are still in research.

This corner requires a special font for viewing Egyptian hieroglyphs. Download and install the font (NewGardiner) through this page.

A(1) Man and his occupations (1) O(1) Buildings, parts of buildings, etc. (1)
A(2) Man and his occupations (2) O(2) Buildings, parts of buildings, etc. (2)
B/C Woman and her occupations / Anthropomorphic deities P/Q Ships and parts of ships / Domestic and funerary furniture
D(1) Parts of the human body (1) R Templefurniture and sacred emblems
D(2) Parts of the human body (2) S Crowns, dress, staves, etc.
E Mammals T Warfare, hunting, butchery
F Parts of mammals U Agriculture, crafts, and professions
G Birds V Rope, fiber, baskets, bags, etc.
H/I Parts of birds / Amphibious animals, reptiles, etc. W Vessels of stone and earthenware
K/L Fishes and parts of fishes / Invertabrata and lesser animals X/Y Loaves and cakes / Writings, games, music
M Trees and plants Z Strokes, signs derived from Hieratic, geometrical figures
N Sky, earth, water Aa Unclassified
NL/NU Nomes of Lower Egypt / Nomes of Upper Egypt

Each item has the components as following:

(1) (4) (5)
(1) Gardiner's code
(2) Unicode code
(3) Glyph
(4) Name of the glyph
(5) Usage of the glyph
(6) Braille data

In (5) Usage of the glyph, [phon] means phonetic, [log] logogram, [det] determinative, and [num] numeral.